Is bariatric surgery safe in India, Punjab?
Punjab has maximum health tourism from Canada, USA and UK. Bariatric surgery data in Punjab and India suggests that the safety in bariatric surgery in Punjab is at par with the western standards.
Why and how is bariatric surgery safe in India, Punjab.We at Kular Hospital are offering TIVA short anaesthesia and 20 mins Mini Gastric Bypass which is done with keyhole (lap) surgery. This make bariatric surgery safer as compared to the classical old methods–We make you walk within an hour of the procedure and no urinary catheter and nasal cannulas etc are inserted in majority of the patients.Our team has documented world class safety standards in Bariatric Surgery.
Bariatric surgery is as safe in Punjab, India at Kular Hospital as it is in the USA.

With globalisation, India and specially Punjab has developed a lot in the field of medical science.The treatments available are very quick and effective.The equipment available is at par with the best hospitals in the world.
This has brought safety and quality in the field of bariatric surgery as well.
Kular- a certified "Center of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery"
Safety in Bariatric/weight loss surgery at par with the best hospitals in the US.
We have SRC, USA certified surgeons of Excellence.Also accredited by the European Accreditation Council of Bariatric Surgery.Kular is the only institute outside USA , being run by the inventor of MGB Bariatric surgery Dr Rutledge and Dr Kular (Pioneer in Asia).
What Dr Rutledge, father of MGB bariatric surgery has to say about safety of bariatric surgery in India, Punjab at Kular.
Most of the US & Canadian patients prefer "Kular" and they feel safe having bariatric/weight loss surgery here as it is highly recommended by the father of Mini Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery.
Click here to listen to Dr Rutledge about the safety of bariatric surgery in Punjab, India at Kular.
Bariatric surgery at Kular is as safe as you get in the best of the hospitals in the world! Dr Rutledge, USA.
Why do we think so much about safety in bariatric surgery?
Anaesthesia in Bariatric surgery and duration of the procedure play major role in deciding if bariatric surgery is safe or not.
At Kular, our team is the first one in Asia to start Mini Bypass Bariatric Surgery.Our team has the lowest procedure timing in the world.Dr Kular has trained with the inventor of MGb-OAGB surgery- Prof Rutledge, USA.He has performed the maximum MGB bariatric surgeries in Asia and no 2 in the world after Dr Rutledge.At the same time we have the best documented safety records in the world.
Dr Kular having one of the best safety standards in bariatric surgery, appointed trainer of Mini Gastric Bypass at IBC, Oxford University.
Being attached to these top world organisations makes sure that you get a safe bariatric surgery at par with western standards here at Kular.